I did'nt get to see some of the presentations that heppened in the first half hour as I was at the entrance tothe Tidel Park building giving firections to BlogCamp attendeed. Bummer. But that's ok. The crowd is good. We have some experienced and famous bloggers like
Dina Mehta,
Neha Vishwanathan,
Amit Aggarwal et al.
All the invitees have been given some really useful merchandise, my pick being the laptop bag from Yahoo besides a BlogCamp t-shirt. People have come from all over the country, from cities like Delhi, Agra, Bombay, Bangalore and Kerala(?), that's excellent for the first edition of an evnt of ths magnitude.
I managed to catch some of the action that took place at the conference hall, mainly the seminar of
Ganesh titled "Wordpress hacks."
Prasanna and
Aswin Anand gave presentations on blogger beta and tempate hacks and also hosting Wordpress on servers.
Now going away from all the techno funda to the food part, yuck. That was pathetic food served for lunch. Anyway I am looking forward to an excellent evening at the beach house party.
Kiruba and
Ram Vishwanathan gave an excellent seminar on podcasting with help from
Kaushik Ram. I missed the session invloving Neha, Dina and
Peter Griffin on collaborative blogging cuz I was in the conference hall. Gosh, I wish I was in two places at the same time.
I met a man named
Scott who was part of the
Chennai-Kanyakumari Auto Challenge that took place last month. He is scheduled to write an article on the race on
Wired magazine.
Amit is sceduled to give a seminar on pro-blogging today evening and I am looking forward to that.
Log in to blogcamp.in for more updates. Check
Flickr for photos on the event. Come back to this blog for more updates.
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